Thanks for using our website!
The Sidney-Pacific website is more than just a static web page. It's also a business application that serves, directly and indirectly, over 600 residents and building staff. It tries its best to meet the needs of not only our residents and visitors, but also the Front Desk and our entire House Government.
This application has been built and improved over time ever since the building opened in 2002. In 2015, the decision was made to completely replace an aging framework, with the aim of enabling easier iteration on features while implementing best practices in design and engineering. You're looking at the current state of this multi-year effort — itself a perpetual work in progress, evolving with the needs of the House.
It's all done by the tireless team of volunteer contributors who make up the Web Team at Sidney-Pacific, who spend nights and weekends writing features and fixing bugs for this labour of love.
If you have feedback — ideas, suggestions, compliments, or bug reports — the Web Team can be reached at
If you are a current MIT graduate student and have Web or other programming experience, and are interested in contributing, please reach out to us.
— The Sidney-Pacific Executive Council
This website would be impossible without the work of the following people:
... and those lost to time on whose shoulders we stand.
This website has evolved under the guidance and support of the following leaders:
Funding for this website's operations is allocated by the Sidney-Pacific House Government
and provided by residents like you.
Thank you for your support!
Website v2.0 is proudly built and maintained since 2015 by the Sidney-Pacific Web Committee.